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Posts by Sal
Lets Crypt SSL Certificate Installation on Ubuntu
Lets Crypt SSL Certificate Installation on Ubuntu
In Linux, Apr 24, 2022Install LetsCrypt SSL Wildcard Certificate on Ubuntu
Install LetsCrypt SSL Wildcard Certificate on Ubuntu
In Linux, Apr 24, 2022patchelf Installation and usage
Patch Elf is a A small utility to modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables
In Linux, Apr 14, 2022GLib 2.25 Installation on Ubuntu 16.04
IntroductionIn this article we will look at installation of Glib 2.25 installation on Ubuntu 16.04
In Linux, Apr 14, 2022Natural Language Understanding - Intent Detection with Keras and LSTM
In this example we will look at the problem of natural language understanding.The aim is simply to understand the meaning of sentense. This is a unsolved problem in the context of ope...
In Jan 31, 2018Using Pre Trained Word Vector Embeddings for Sequence Classification using LSTM
In this article we will look at using pre trained word vector embedding for sequence classificationusing LSTM
In Jan 30, 2018Sequence classification with LSTM
In this article, we will look at how to use LSTM recurrent neural network models for sequence classification problems using the Keras deep learning library
In AI, tutorial, Jan 30, 2018NLP Basics of using Stanford corenlp server
Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools written in Java
In May 19, 2017NLP Installing TensorFlow on ubuntu 16.04
TensorFlow is An open-source software library for Machine Intelligence.In this article will be installing tensorflow on ubuntu 16.04 with GPU support.
In May 16, 2017NLP Dictionary,Bag Of Words and TFIDF using Gensim
In Natural language processing one of the most common questions is how to convert a sentense to some kind of numeric representation for machine learning algorithms.
In May 15, 2017NLP Latent semantic indexing using Gensim
In the article saw how to compute the TFIDF vectors of document enabling us to r...
In May 15, 2017RASA NLU Trainer Frontend application
rasa NLU (Natural Language Understanding) is a tool for intent classification and entity extraction
In May 12, 2017Natural Language Processing Pre Processing Stemming,Lemmatization,Stop Words
In May 12, 2017Apache Thrift Basics with java application
Apache Thrift is a RPC framework founded by facebook and now it is an Apache project. Thrift lets you define data types and service interfaces in a language neutral definition file. T...
In May 08, 2017Apache Avro RPC Framework using Netty Server
Apache Avro is more than a data serialization framework. It provides support for RPC Mechanisms
In May 05, 2017Install Mantis Issue Tracker on Ubuntu 16.04
MantisBT is an open source issue tracker.We will look at installation of Mantis on ubuntu 16.04 OS.
In May 02, 2017asciinema Terminal Recording Installation and usage
asciinema is a lightweight, purely text-based approach to terminal recording.
In Apr 24, 2017Partitioning and Mounting disk on Ubuntu 16.04 using fdisk and gparted
The fdisk command is a text-based utility for viewing and managing hard disk partitions on Linux. It’s one of the most powerful tools you can use to manage partitions.
In Apr 22, 2017Mounting NFS Share on ubuntu 16.04 Client
We will look at the process of mounting the network file storage on ubuntu16.04 system client
In Apr 22, 2017Sudo Permissions to a script on ubuntu 14.04
The sudoers file located at: /etc/sudoers, contains the rules that users must follow when using the sudo command.
In Apr 18, 2017Adding Swap Space on Ubuntu 14.04
Swap space in Linux can be used when a system requires more memory than it has been physically allocated. When swap space is enabled, Linux systems can swap infrequently used memory p...
In Linux, Dec 23, 2016Introduction to Apache Spark Lightweight Web Framework
IntroductionApache Spark is a Lightweight Web Framework .Spark Framework is a true micro Java web framework. Its total size is less than a megabyte, and to keep it lean and clean we d...
In Dec 23, 2016Ansible Installation on Ubuntu 14.04 and Installation of Netbeans IDE
Ansible installation
In Software Installation, Jul 26, 2016Install and Configure Salt Master and Minion Servers on Ubuntu 14.04
In Software Installation, Jul 25, 2016Artifactory and Maven repository Setup
Artifactory and Maven repository Setup
In Software installation, May 10, 2016RAM Computation for ARM Microcontroller
RAM Computation for ARM Microcontroller
In Software, Apr 20, 2016ANTLR installation and usage on ubuntu 14.04
ANTLR installation and usage on ubuntu 14.04
In Software, Apr 14, 2016Apache OpenNLP Installation on ubuntu 14.04
Apache OpenNLP Installation on ubuntu 14.04
In Software Installation, Apr 09, 2016Accessing VMWareWorkstation machine via VNC
You can use a VNC client to connect to a running virtual machine. Because VNC software is cross-platform, you can use virtual machines running on different types of computers.
In Software Installation, Apr 09, 2016Install Apache Tomcat 7 on Ubuntu 14.04
In this we will look at installingApache Tomcat 7 on Ubuntu 14.04 and deplyoying a web application
In Software Installation, Mar 31, 2016Apache Xerces on Ubuntu 14.04
we will look at installation and basic usage of XersesXML Parser on Ubuntu 14.04 platform
In Software, Jan 08, 2016STLink Installation on Ubuntu 14.04
STLink Installation on Ubuntu 14.04
In Software Installation, Dec 28, 2015Unity Android Application Integration
Unity Android Application Integration
In Software, Dec 20, 2015GitBucket setup on Ubuntu 14.04
GitBucket setup on Ubuntu 14.04
In Software Installation, Dec 18, 2015Installing R and RStudio in Ubuntu 12.04
Installing R and RStudio in Ubuntu 12.04UniverseThe current version of R available when a new version of Ubuntu is released is always available in the universe repository. To install ...
In Software, Sep 06, 2015User Defined Library in MBED
This article describes on how to add a user defined library in MBED
In Embedded Firmware, Sep 06, 2015OpenCV 2.4.11 Build from Sources for Linux and Android
OpenCV 2.4.11 Build from Sources for Linux and Android
In Apr 18, 2015Libgdx Setup and 3D animation Test Utility On Linux Platform
Libgdx Setup On Linux Platform
In Apr 09, 2015Serial Bluetooth Terminal on Linux
In this article we will look at how to establish a serial connection with devices via bluetooth .
In Linux, Apr 03, 2015Conjugate Quadrature Filter Bank - Deriving Daubechies Filter Coefficients
In Signal Processing, Dec 21, 2014Starting Programs at Boot using Supervisor Process Control Utility
In Linux, Dec 05, 2014Approximation of Piecewise Polynomial Using Wavelets
In Signal Processing, Nov 29, 2014Haar Wavelet Filter Bank
IntroductionIn this article we will look at discrete time signal processing using wavelets,more specificially we will look at the concept of Haar Filterbank
In Signal Processing, Nov 26, 2014Remote Accessing Raspberry PI
IntroductionIn this article we will look at accessing Raspberry PI remotely
In Raspberry PI, Nov 21, 2014Fraction Delays using Linear Interpolation and Resampling
IntroductionIn this article we look at implementing fractional delays using Linear Interpolation and Resampling Techniques
In Signal Processing, Nov 01, 2014Multilayer Perceptron in Python
IntroductionIn this article we will look at supervised learning algorithm called Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and implementation of single hidden layer MLP
In AI, Oct 03, 2014Jekyll A Static Website Generator
IntroductionIn this article we will look at Jekyll static site generator to generate a static website and host the same on github using github pages.
In Oct 03, 2014