Stanford CoreNLP provides a set of natural language analysis tools written in Java
CoreNLP source code can be downloaded from
CoreNLP 3.7.0 package can be downloaded from link Also download the model files from the page
CoreNLP can be hosted as a service by running the following command
java -mx4g -cp stanford-corenlp-3.7.0-models.jar:stanford-corenlp-3.7.0.jar:slf4j-api.jar:slf4j-simple.jar edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer 9000 10
This starts the coreNLP server at port 9000
Accessing the port 9000 from the browser will give a interface similar to one available on stanford coreNLP server website
We can call the stanford CoreNLP server using client API from client application.
In this article we will be using python wrapper for coreNLP server
download and install the python package
import pycorenlp
from pycorenlp import StanfordCoreNLP
nlp = StanfordCoreNLP('http://localhost:9000')
CoreNLP works by using Annotators to build Annotations over a stream of text using a CoreNLP pipeline
There are a lot of different annotators available,
tokenize - Tokenizes the words ssplit - Splits a sequence of tokens into sentences. pos - Labels tokens with their POS tag. lemma- computes the LEMMA for the token ner - perform entity recognition for the token sentiment - sentiment analysis annotator
Now we send the request to NLP server with inputs as text NLP pipeline properties to be executed on the server
output = nlp.annotate(line, properties={
'annotators': 'tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner,sentiment',
'outputFormat': 'json'
For example the input no i dont want to tell you my name
has the output
{u'sentences': [{u'tokens': [{u'index': 1, u'word': u'no', u'after': u' ', u'pos': u'DT', u'characterOffsetEnd': 2, u'characterOffsetBegin': 0, u'originalText': u'no', u'before': u''}, {u'index': 2, u'word': u'i', u'after': u' ', u'pos': u'FW', u'characterOffsetEnd': 4, u'characterOffsetBegin': 3, u'originalText': u'i', u'before': u' '}, {u'index': 3, u'word': u'dont', u'after': u' ', u'pos': u'FW', u'characterOffsetEnd': 9, u'characterOffsetBegin': 5, u'originalText': u'dont', u'before': u' '}, {u'index': 4, u'word': u'want', u'after': u' ', u'pos': u'VBP', u'characterOffsetEnd': 14, u'characterOffsetBegin': 10, u'originalText': u'want', u'before': u' '}, {u'index': 5, u'word': u'to', u'after': u' ', u'pos': u'TO', u'characterOffsetEnd': 17, u'characterOffsetBegin': 15, u'originalText': u'to', u'before': u' '}, {u'index': 6, u'word': u'tell', u'after': u' ', u'pos': u'VB', u'characterOffsetEnd': 22, u'characterOffsetBegin': 18, u'originalText': u'tell', u'before': u' '}, {u'index': 7, u'word': u'you', u'after': u' ', u'pos': u'PRP', u'characterOffsetEnd': 26, u'characterOffsetBegin': 23, u'originalText': u'you', u'before': u' '}, {u'index': 8, u'word': u'my', u'after': u' ', u'pos': u'PRP$', u'characterOffsetEnd': 29, u'characterOffsetBegin': 27, u'originalText': u'my', u'before': u' '}, {u'index': 9, u'word': u'name', u'after': u'', u'pos': u'NN', u'characterOffsetEnd': 34, u'characterOffsetBegin': 30, u'originalText': u'name', u'before': u' '}], u'index': 0, u'sentiment': u'Negative', u'sentimentValue': u'1', u'enhancedDependencies': [{u'dep': u'ROOT', u'dependent': 3, u'governorGloss': u'ROOT', u'governor': 0, u'dependentGloss': u'dont'}, {u'dep': u'neg', u'dependent': 1, u'governorGloss': u'dont', u'governor': 3, u'dependentGloss': u'no'}, {u'dep': u'compound', u'dependent': 2, u'governorGloss': u'dont', u'governor': 3, u'dependentGloss': u'i'}, {u'dep': u'acl:relcl', u'dependent': 4, u'governorGloss': u'dont', u'governor': 3, u'dependentGloss': u'want'}, {u'dep': u'mark', u'dependent': 5, u'governorGloss': u'tell', u'governor': 6, u'dependentGloss': u'to'}, {u'dep': u'xcomp', u'dependent': 6, u'governorGloss': u'want', u'governor': 4, u'dependentGloss': u'tell'}, {u'dep': u'iobj', u'dependent': 7, u'governorGloss': u'tell', u'governor': 6, u'dependentGloss': u'you'}, {u'dep': u'nmod:poss', u'dependent': 8, u'governorGloss': u'name', u'governor': 9, u'dependentGloss': u'my'}, {u'dep': u'dobj', u'dependent': 9, u'governorGloss': u'tell', u'governor': 6, u'dependentGloss': u'name'}], u'basicDependencies': [{u'dep': u'ROOT', u'dependent': 3, u'governorGloss': u'ROOT', u'governor': 0, u'dependentGloss': u'dont'}, {u'dep': u'neg', u'dependent': 1, u'governorGloss': u'dont', u'governor': 3, u'dependentGloss': u'no'}, {u'dep': u'compound', u'dependent': 2, u'governorGloss': u'dont', u'governor': 3, u'dependentGloss': u'i'}, {u'dep': u'acl:relcl', u'dependent': 4, u'governorGloss': u'dont', u'governor': 3, u'dependentGloss': u'want'}, {u'dep': u'mark', u'dependent': 5, u'governorGloss': u'tell', u'governor': 6, u'dependentGloss': u'to'}, {u'dep': u'xcomp', u'dependent': 6, u'governorGloss': u'want', u'governor': 4, u'dependentGloss': u'tell'}, {u'dep': u'iobj', u'dependent': 7, u'governorGloss': u'tell', u'governor': 6, u'dependentGloss': u'you'}, {u'dep': u'nmod:poss', u'dependent': 8, u'governorGloss': u'name', u'governor': 9, u'dependentGloss': u'my'}, {u'dep': u'dobj', u'dependent': 9, u'governorGloss': u'tell', u'governor': 6, u'dependentGloss': u'name'}], u'parse': u'(ROOT\n (FRAG\n (NP\n (NP (DT no) (FW i) (FW dont))\n (SBAR\n (S\n (VP (VBP want)\n (S\n (VP (TO to)\n (VP (VB tell)\n (NP (PRP you))\n (NP (PRP$ my) (NN name)))))))))))', u'enhancedPlusPlusDependencies': [{u'dep': u'ROOT', u'dependent': 3, u'governorGloss': u'ROOT', u'governor': 0, u'dependentGloss': u'dont'}, {u'dep': u'neg', u'dependent': 1, u'governorGloss': u'dont', u'governor': 3, u'dependentGloss': u'no'}, {u'dep': u'compound', u'dependent': 2, u'governorGloss': u'dont', u'governor': 3, u'dependentGloss': u'i'}, {u'dep': u'acl:relcl', u'dependent': 4, u'governorGloss': u'dont', u'governor': 3, u'dependentGloss': u'want'}, {u'dep': u'mark', u'dependent': 5, u'governorGloss': u'tell', u'governor': 6, u'dependentGloss': u'to'}, {u'dep': u'xcomp', u'dependent': 6, u'governorGloss': u'want', u'governor': 4, u'dependentGloss': u'tell'}, {u'dep': u'iobj', u'dependent': 7, u'governorGloss': u'tell', u'governor': 6, u'dependentGloss': u'you'}, {u'dep': u'nmod:poss', u'dependent': 8, u'governorGloss': u'name', u'governor': 9, u'dependentGloss': u'my'}, {u'dep': u'dobj', u'dependent': 9, u'governorGloss': u'tell', u'governor': 6, u'dependentGloss': u'name'}]}]}
We can see that the sentiment Value is negative and sentiment value is 1